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Can condoms dry out?

Condoms provide effective safety and protection only when used correctly as per the instructions. Usage and storage of condoms have to be as per the instructions provided. A dry condom is inefficient and not advised to use. There are quite a few reasons a condom can dry out. Firstly, check the expiration date before using any types of condom. Sometimes an expired condom will be dried out of lubricant which can easily break and doesn’t assure any safety when used. Also, there are chances a condom dries out during use which results in dry friction. Though condoms are mostly pre-lubricated for easier use, some of them have more lubricant and the others have less. In such cases adding some condom compatible lubricant would be helpful. You can add some lube to condoms that are not pre-lubricated and also to condoms that already have some lubricant. The condom is less likely to bread when there is sufficient lubricant. There are chances a condom can dry out when it is not rightly stored. Storing a condom in a warm pace also might dry it out.

Disadvantages of using dry condom

Using a condom that is dry might easily break while in use which results in unexpected consequences. A broken condom doesn’t ensure any safety and protection against STDs and unplanned pregnancies. Also, a dry condom might create discomfort and pain for your partner because of which both of you might not enjoy your lovemaking session.

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Modified on 26 Oct, 2020

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