There are many advantages in using vaginal dilators set to treat vaginismus. The dilator is especially suggested to start treatment if women are encountering acute pain during sexual intercourse, when inserting a tampon or during gynaecological examinations. Vaginal dilators set helps to exercise the pelvic floor muscles and over time can help relieve pain caused by the vaginal condition related to Vaginismus, Vulvar cancer, Vaginal stenosis, Vaginal agenesis & MRKH syndrome, Menopause difficulties, Chemotherapy and radiation therapy and Hormonal changes at the vulva.
Vaginal Dilators set Help to Control the PC Muscles
When used properly, dilators are very useful with certain parts of vaginismus treatment. Vaginal Dilators can be very powerful tools in helping to drop the PC muscle reflex, penetration difficulties and the underlying cause of vaginismus tightness and burning sensations. These dilator sets enable the women to have precise control over the speed, size and angle of insertions and provides the substitute means to trigger the PC Muscles reflex during sexual intercourse.
Together with appropriate exercises, as the woman consistently squeeze, consciously and relax the PC muscles with the dilator kit insertions, they learn how to override the involuntary muscle contractions that had previously caused closed or tightness the entrance to the vagina to intercourse. The process helps to create new muscle memory. Through the perfect use of dilator kits, women can more simply develop control over involuntary closeness or tightness and simultaneously desensitize their vaginal muscles, body, and mind to the thought of having an insertion in their vagina. All of this is made as transition preparation for insertion without pain. Together with appropriate exercises, it helps women retrain their bodies to respond well to penetration to a completely pain- free sex. It is recommended to buy lubes along with dilator in order to facilitate the insertion of the dilators.
Stretching VS Gaining Control
Note that there is more to treating vaginismus then merely inserting the dilator set. The focus of the dilator set used in treating vaginismus is not only to easily stretch the vaginal opening or tissues, however, it is predominantly to assist women to gain control of their pelvic floor muscles.
Women with insertion problems related to their vaginismus often wrongly assume that dilator kits are used to stretch the vaginal opening, so that it will expand when in fact, their insertion difficulties are not linked to the size of the vagina but rather to difficulties with the involuntary closeness or tightness of the pelvic floor muscles. Dilators mutually with pelvic floor activities are used to expand control over the involuntary tightness.
The name vaginal dilators are really a bit of a misnomer because dilator use is not usually focused on dilation (that means to make wider or larger). Due to this, some specialists call these as vaginal trainers.

Dual Purpose Situations
A lot of women, particularly those who are recovering from a pelvic operation or suffering from age-related hormone transitions like menopause, have a double mission for the dilators, both in the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor musculature responses and rehabilitative stretching of vaginal tissues. Dilator sets are helpful treatments that are most powerful with proper physical instructions. Vaginal dilators often generally restore function, with dilator therapy considered successful if a woman is able to resume comfortably sexual intercourse or self-stimulation, as desired. Vaginal dilation is also used as an adjunct to pelvic floor muscle physical therapy, psychotherapy, sex therapy, minimally absorbed local vaginal estrogen therapy, intravaginal muscle relaxants, lubricants, moisturizers, and vibrators.